I may post here relevant (in my opinion), and not necessarily recent, quotes. Rather than analyzing specific investments, I will attempt to focus on investors' sentiment regarding broader asset classes and/or specific securities. These will be my thoughts/reactions/questions, and they are not and should not be taken as investment advice.

About me

In particular, I am interested in investors' sentiment and valuation levels. Disclaimer: I work at an Investment Management firm. My comments on this site are not posted in that role, and no opinions of mine should be construed to be recommendations of or to reflect the views of my employer.

Monday, June 14, 2010

On relative cheapness

"The biggest decline for global equities in 15 months has left stocks at the cheapest level relative to bonds since the collapse of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., a sign that shares in the U.S. and Europe may rally."

“Against other asset classes, equities look really cheap,” said Barry Knapp, head of U.S. equity strategy for Barclays in New York. “It could mean that we’re completely wrong on the inflation outlook, which means it’s going to get much worse, much faster. Or it could mean that stocks are decidedly cheap and people are overly cautious.”
via Bloomberg

If one walks into a Mercedes Benz showroom, there will always be a model that will look "cheap" in comparison to the more expensive ones.

And today's sobering quote:

"Wall Street seems to have no concept at all that every bit of growth we've observed over the past year can be traced to government deficit spending, with zero private sector expansion when those deficits are factored out."
John Hussman